So I give you permission to laugh, because i kinda did afterwords. So as I finished talking to my friends in the hallway during passing period I turned to head to sixth period (there are seven periods in a day), but when I got to the stairs to head down my flip-flop twisted sideways and scraped the floor, making me fall. I fell a flight of stairs in a kind of "knee surfing" way! I surfed on my knees! ^^' I got rub burns on my calves and a little part of my foot bled. it hurt like crazy but in the end everyone, including me, laughed about it! the only non-fun part was the fact that Mr.Perkins, my gym teacher made me participate in gym after i fell a flight of stairs... =3= I ended up hiding in the bathroom with another girl for half of the period until the pain ceased a bit more. but don't worry, in the end it felt okay enough that me and two of my friends danced weirdly to funny music while walking on the track inside the gym! Lol! anything funny like this happening to you recently?
here's another pic from a few weeks ago:
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